Hello, reader!

My name is Eugene Lazutkin.

I'm a software developer based in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. Lazutkin.com is my professional blog, which contains short writeups and presentations regarding modern web applications. All articles here are written by myself, unless stated otherwise.

CRUD with Dojo

My presentation at ClubAJAX got off to a rocky start: I was let in the building 40 minutes after I was supposed to start the presentation. Everybody waited patiently. Thank you guys! As promised I publish slides along with relevant links (I had to skip most of planned demos).

Here is my presentation on SlideShare: CRUD with Dojo. The original presentation can be seen on Google Docs: CRUD with Dojo.

The relevant links from the presentation (all demo links point to a test server ⇒ slow):

My thanks go to the Dijit team for their titanic work: Bill Keese, Doug Hays, Becky Gibson. You rock, guys!